The Computer and the Internet
I. Introduction
     The Internet as we know it in 1998, although vast, is still 
a new and developing communications technology. It is based on a 
number of ingenious engineering accomplishments. This paper will 
look at some of the most important.
     Any quantitative description of the Internet includes the 
number of networks interconnected (hence the name Internet from 
internetworking), the number of computers among which electronic 
data can be exchanged and ultimately the number of people who can 
communicate with this vast computer and network resource and also 
with each other. The elements that comprise the Internet are 
computers and networks of computers. These being physical 
entities, in order to perform reliably, require careful design 
based on solid engineering principles. The Internet itself is 
more than the sum of its elements. It too requires careful and 
evolving design based on principles similar to those for 
computers and networks and some unique to the Internet.
II. The Computer
     The engineering breakthrough that set the basis for much of 
modern life but especially for the Internet was the creation of a 
high speed, digital, program controlled, calculating and logic 
machine. For at least the last 350 years, efforts had been made 
to create mechanical devices for performing tedious arithematic 
calculations. The names that are associated with the best known 
of these efforts include Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), Gottfried 
Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646-1716), Per Georg Scheutz (1785-1873) 
and his son Evard (1821-1881), and Charles Babbage (1791-1871). 
These efforts depended upon and added to the technological 
developments of their times and so were limited to mechanical (as 
opposed to electic or optical) devices.
     The rapid development of telecommunications in the 1920's 
demonstrated the operating reliability of electromagnetic relays. 
By the means of such relays a growing level of automation was 
being introduced into telephone networks. Independently, a number 
of people in various countries began to conceive of the use of 
such relays in calculators and eventually as the basis of 
multipurpose computing machines.
     The operation of the telephone relay depends upon the 
ability of an electric current to temporarily magnetize a metal 
core. Essentially, a relay is a switch whose state is open or 
closed depending the absence or presence of a current in a 
controlling coil:

                      metal strip e     
     a______________*==================  gap h
               hinge^         __     ^----------------b
     circuit for            _|__|_
     coil current           _|__|_
          ___________________|  | ^--- coil c
                               ^----- core h
     Fig. 1  The Principle of the Electromagnetic Relay 

Current will be able to flow between point a and point b (the 
closed state) if there is a current in coil c enough to magnitize 
core d sufficiently to attract the metal strip e closing gap h. 
Otherwise current will not be able to flow from a to b (the open 
state). With gap sizes in fractions of a millimeter, the state of 
such a relay can be changed on the order of 1000 times per 
     Thinking about the all or none, on or off, two state 
possibilites for simple relays suggested the use of binary digits 
(0,1) to represent all data and instructions rather than for 
example decimal digits (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9). Requiring a device 
to only represent and respond to two digits keeps the design of 
the device simple. Charles Babbage in his efforts to build his 
Differnce and Analytic Engines needed wheels and gears with 10 
possible distinct states or positions. Had he chosen binary in 
stead of decimal representation his gears and wheels would have 
been much simplified. There is one complication introduced by an 
all binary computer. It needs to have decimal-to-binary and 
binary-to-decimal converters to make life easier for its human 
     Binary representation of numbers also allows for binary 
representaion of the operations and simplifies what elements are 
needed. In 1936 in his masters degree thesis at MIT, Claude 
Shannon showed the link between Boolean logic (named after George 
Boole 1815-1864) and electrical circuits. For example the 
following three circuits are equivalent to the AND, OR and NOT 
operators which are shown with their corresponding (truth) 
    AND                        OR                   NOT 
                                |  A  |
  a___\___\___b             a---|     |---b      a___     __b
      A    B                    |__\__|             ^\___| 
                                   B                 A 
 (each switch can be replaced by a relay, triode or transistor)
Fig. 2  The Three Basic Logic Operations and Their Circuit Equivalents

Out of these three logic circuits can be built the basic 
arithematic operations that comprise the functional elements of 
the computer. For example the following is a circuit for adding 
two binany digits. It is called a "half-adder" because it does 
not allow for a carry from a previous addition. If you allow 
inputs at A and B to take on all combinations of 0s and 1s the 
accompanying table results which is the table for A+B in binary 
      Fig. 3  A Half-Adder Constructed from Logic Elements

There would need to be one such set of logic elements for each 
digit of accuracy being calculated. So for 8 decimal places of 
accuracy which corresponds  to 27 binary places an addition of two 
27 binary digit numbers would require at least 27 full adders.
In a similar fashion, all basic arithmetic operations can be 
built out of simple circuits of switches, tubes or transisitors. 
     Konrad Zuse (1918-199?), working in Germany, was the first 
engineer to systematically incorporate relays into a calculating 
device. He built a series of machines (Z1, Z2, Z3 and Z4) which 
used relays progressively more exclusively. His Z3, operational 
in 1941 and Z4, operational in 1945 are given credit as being the 
first successful electric, arithmetical machines. Others working 
on similar machines at about the same time include George Stibitz 
at AT&T Bell Laboratories and Howard Aiken at Harvard with 
support from IBM. A significant innovation began with the work of 
John Atanasoff and continued by work on the ENIAC at the 
University of Pennsylvania supervised by J. Presper Eckert and 
John Mauchly. That was the use of vacuum tubes (what the British 
call "thermionic valves") in place of electromagnetic relays.
     The operation of the simple triode vacuum tube is fully 
analogous to the operation of the electromagnetic relay, but the 
vacuum tube contains no moving mechanical parts:
                               |     |
                            ___|___  |  anode   d
                          ___ _ _ _  |  grid    g
                         |   e       |
                         |  _______  |  cathode c
                         |  |  /\    |  heater  h
                         |  |  ||    |
                         |  |  ||    |
                         |  |  ||    |
                         |  |  ||    |
                         g  a  h     b
    Fig. 4  The Principle of the Triode Vacuum Tube

Current will flow between point a and point b (the closed state) 
because the heater h drives negatively charged electrons off of 
the cathode c that can get to the anode d. The electrons are 
attracted to the anode d because the anode is at a positive 
potential with respect to the cathode. However, if the grid g is 
given a negative potential relative to the cathode the electrons 
will be repelled and not reach the anode (the open state). The 
grid potential bias can be switched as fast as a million times 
per second. Therefore the state of the tube can be changed in a 
time of the order of microseconds.
     The first computing device based on vacuum tubes was the 
Electronic Numerical Intergrator and Computer. The ENIAC, 
incorporating more than 18,000 vacuum tube switches was 
operational in 1946. What the relay and vacuum tube machines 
demonstrated was that high speed automatic calculating machines 
were feasible with the technology available in the mid 1940s. 
That technology was, in not too long a time, superseded by 
technology based on a device invented in 1947 by John Bardeen, 
Walter Brattain and William Schockly. The three working at Bell 
Labs produced the first transistor in December 1947. The 
transistor had the same functionality as the triode vacuum tube 
but in a solid state device smaller, faster, more reliable and 
more economical than the vacuum tube.
     The operation of the ENIAC suggested a set a principles for 
the construction of all subsequent electronic general purpose 
calculating machines, what have come to be called computers. Some 
of the principles had been understood at least 100 years earlier 
by Charles Babbage and had been periodically rediscover in the 
intervening 100 years by various people who took up to built a 
multipurpose general computing machine.
     The principles at the foundation of today's computers were 
summerized by John von Neumann in the "First Draft of a Report on 
the EDVAC". The EDVAC was planned as the successor to the ENIAC 
with the improvement of having its instructions contained in its 
electronic storage or memory element. What von Neumann presented 
was the summmary of the work and thinking he had been part of 
with Eckert, Mauchley and others around the ENIAC. The principles 
     1) to be an all purpose computer a device had to operate at 
     very high speed and thus the elements of the device had to 
     be electronic and not mechanical.
     2) to be an all purpose computer a device had to operate on 
     numerical not analog representation of the quantities and 
     problems involved.
     3) to achieve high speed of operation and relative 
     simplicity of design the elements had to represent and 
     operate on binary digits.
     4) the device had to include a mechanism for the storage of 
     data and instructions.
     5) to achieve high speeds the instructions had to be stored 
     in the memory element.
     6) to achieve relative simplicity of construction the 
     operations should be sequential rather than simultaneous 
     where ever possible using a fixed clock or pulse to time 
     The requirement of high speed was to fulfill the primary 
driving force behind the work to produce computers: to do in a 
short period of time what it would take an unaided person a long 
time to do if doable at all. By 1949 IBM was marketing computers 
that did multiplication in 1/50 of a second that would take an 
average adult 20 minutes to do. That is the machine could do 60,000 
multiplications in the time it would take one person to do one.
     Since the computer's principle was high speed operation, 
feeding it instructions could not be done manually or even 
mechanically (by cards or tape). Since it had to have its 
instructions at the same speed as it did its operations, the 
instructions had to be stored internally along with the data. 
Since both the data and the instructions were in binary digital 
form they could be stored on the same memory device. Also an 
internal clock or voltage pulse generator is needed to cycle the 
computer through its operations The pulse marks the beginning and 
end of each cycle so that the operations are synchronized. For 
example during one cycle one instruction is read or one partial 
addition is performed.
     von Neumann also envisioned that instructions must be given 
in exhaustive detail carried out completely without any need for 
further intelligent human intervention. The computer does nothing 
it has not been instructed or wired to do. It can do no 
calculation a person could not theoretically do given enough 
time. The essense of the computer is its great speed of 
operation. But that great speed can give the appearance of doing 
things people could not do. The discipline to put together the 
proper instuctions for a computer is called software engineering, 
the sting of coded instructions being software. Flawless 
functioning is aimed for but since there will always be 
inevitable errors from poorly designed software or from 
mechanical malfunction, human oversight of computers and 
intervention will be necessary.
     Architecturally, a computer consists of a set of arithmatic 
circuits, an all purpose logical control unit, storage devices 
called stores by Babbage and memory in today's usage, and input 
devices such as keyboards and mice, output units such as 
oscilloscope or TV like monitors and printers, and mixed 
input/output devices like magnetic tape reader/writers.
     The computers that make possible today's Internet are 
descendents of the computer von Neumann summerized. But there has 
been a spectacular miniturization based on the ability to embed 
millions of electronic components almost at the molecular level 
onto waffers of silicon called microchips. Operating pulse 
frequencies of the order of 100 million per second are becoming 
available on personal computers. Also memory technology 
continually advances making possible the use of increasingly more 
complex instruction sequences called operating systems that 
generate the functionality of the computer for the user.
III Time-Sharing
     Manufacter of computers began in the late 1940s. The first 
computers to become available were very large devices costings 
hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars. Only government 
bodies, large universities and the largest corporations could 
afford them. The standard input devices were punch card readers. 
The programmers, people who wrote the software, put their coded 
instructions and the needed data onto cards by punching holes to 
represent the instructions and data. Punch card readers sensed 
the holes and converted the information into electronic form 
usable by the computer circuits. Typically, each programmer 
submitted a deck of punched cards containing his or her program 
and the necessary data and the decks were read sequentially by 
the computer. Sometime later the programmer could pick up his or 
her deck together with any printed output. This mode of 
scheduling computer use was known as batch processing. These 
early computers acted in isolation from each other and were not 
operated directly by the programmers.
     The next breakthrough that made the Internet possible was to 
look at the computer in a different way. John McCarthy at MIT and 
others saw the need for programmers to interact with the 
computers directly so they could try out and correct their programs 
more quickly. But to allow one programmer to monopolize such a 
large and expensive computer was inefficient. McCarty's solution 
was to consider using the big computers efficiently in 
interactive mode by attaching more than one terminal to the 
computer. He conceived of restructuring computer design or at 
least the design of the operating system (the set of instructions 
which controls how a computer performs its operations). Because 
of the great speed of computer operation, McCarthy believed it 
was possible to serve each terminal in turn with a short burst of 
of operating time so that the composite result would be the 
illusion for each user that he or she had sole use of the 
computer. This mode of computer use came to be called time-
sharing. McCarthy suggested in a 1959 Memo that MIT begin to 
experiment with time-sharing. He predicted that all computers 
would one day operate that way. Engineering professor Fernando 
Corbato began working to test out the feasibility of the time-
sharing mode of computing. By 1962, he and his staff succeeded in 
creating CTSS (Compatible Time-Sharing System) which became the 
prototype for other time sharing experiments.
     Under the encouragement of JCR Licklider who had just become 
director of the Information Technologies Office of the Advanced 
Research Projects Agency (see below), time-sharing and 
interactive computing experiments where undertaken at a number of 
places. Engineers at MIT experimented with using leased telephone 
lines to allow professors to use their terminals from home. The 
users of the CTSS computer began to share files and programs and 
even messages among each other. The experiment had another 
effect. It drew together the users into a community of mutual 
help, collaboration and resource sharing. 
IV Packet Switching
     The success of CTSS was matched by other time-sharing 
experiments making computer programming and error correction 
called debugging much more efficient. The interactive mode of 
computer use made computing accessable to a much larger body of 
users than previously. The vision of an Intergalactic Computer 
Network began to be spread by Licklider summerizing the growing 
desire to connect up not only a few people around one computer 
but all the people and resources on many computers. Such 
connecting of computers to each other is called computer 
networking. If the computers are close by each other the network 
would be a Local Area Network (LAN). If the computers are 
geograhically separated their interconnection is called a Wide 
Area Network (WAN). The first cross country computer network 
experiment was tried using the telephone network.
     The telecommunications technology used for telephone 
transmission requires setting up a path between the calling and 
answering parties. That path is set up by activating switches in 
the telephone network either manually or automatically  and 
keeping those switches and the wires that connect the calling and 
answering parties active as a path for the duration of the call. 
The setting up of a dedicated path of wires and switches is 
called circuit switching. An experiment was conducted in 1967 
connecting up two time-sharing computers over a circuit switched 
telephone network path. The experiment seemed a success except 
that the dial communications based on the telephone network were 
too slow and unreliable. For the short bursts of computing time 
allowed each computer it took too long to set up and connect a 
circuit switched path. Time-sharing itself suggested the solution.
     The solution found was to break up each data burst that 
constitutes the communication between time-shared computers into 
small data strings, include with each string some address and 
sequence information and send the resulting data packet onto the 
network toward the receiving computer. The data packets that make 
up one message would be interspersed with other such data packets 
as they travel on the network. The original message gets 
reassembled at the receiving computer end. This technology is 
know as packet switching. The great speed of the computers doing 
as many as 100 million operations per second coupled with the 
speed of transport of electric signals on wires at 1/10 or more 
the speed of light (3,000km per second) makes the communication 
appear continuous even when the computers are far apart 
geographically. The greater efficinecy of packet switching over 
circuit switching comes from interspersing packets so that the 
shared connections are not monopolized by big messages or one or 
another computer. A packet switched network, like a time shared 
computer is democratic technolohgy in that all sized messages get 
broken up into packets which get interspersed until reconstructed 
at the other end. The first large scale packet switching 
experiment was the ARPANET setup to connect university and other 
Defense Department contractors.
     Beginning in 1962, the US government funded scientific and 
engineering research specifically in information processing and 
computer networking technology. The funding was distributed by 
the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), an interbranch 
agency of the US Department of Defence. The ARPANET is so named 
because ARPA was the source of the funding and encouragemnet of 
the experiments that resulted in the successful network. A 
confusion has arisen over whether the ARPANET and other research 
funded by ARPA had military purposes. ARPA was created in the 
wake of the launch in 1957 of the SPUTNIK earth orbiting 
satellite by the then Soviet Union. ARPA's mandate was, under 
civilian leadership, to find and encourage advanced research 
projects that had the promise or potential of making substantial 
scientific or engineering breakthroughs which in the long run 
would strengthen the US. The experimental work that lead to the 
ARPANET was initiated as purely an experiment with packet 
switching on a relatively large scale. Contrary to military 
principles, all work on the ARPANET was made public and all 
experimenters were encouraged and in some cases required to write 
uncensored and unclassified descriptions of their work and to 
collaborate with as many other researchers as possible. The open 
principle on which the ARPANET was based continues as the 
principle on which its child the Internet thrives.
     The ARPANET was contructed out of a subnetwork of mini- 
computers, each connected via leased telephone lines to at least 
two other such computers called Interface Message Processors 
(IMPs). Each IMP was connected to a nearby local time-sharing 
computer called a host to which were connected terminals (once 
called guests). Each host was assigned a number with 8 digital 
bits allowed for that purpose. Therefore the hosts could be 
numbered from 00000000 to 111111111 which in decimal notation is 
from 0 to 255. As an experimental network it was not expected to 
expand beyond 256 hosts. The agreement on how to number ARPANET 
hosts and how to include that information as an address in the 
packets intended for that host is an example of a communications 
protocol. A communications protocol is the set of specifications 
and conventions that must be observed to make communications 
possible. Such specifications usually include how to initiate and 
how to terminate a communications session, how to add an address 
to the communicated message, etc. The details of the ARPANET 
protocols were worked out by graduate students and the staff of 
BBN the contractor who produced the first IMPs. The graduate 
students formed a group called the Network Working Group (NWG) 
which was responsible for all the host-host protocols. They 
started a process of documenting and making public the protocols 
and other network specifications. The information was put into a 
standard form named a Request For Comment (RFC) and made 
available first by surface mail to members of the NWG, later made 
available on the ARPANET itself and today available over the 
Internet or by surface mail.
     The success of the ARPANET was accompanied by other 
networking experiments. In particular, ARPA funded experiments 
with radio wave carried data packets and with a satellite node 
packet switching network. At a little later time period, in 1979, 
graduate students Tom Truscott, Steve Bellovin and others in 
North Carolina launched a users news network eventually called 
Usenet that first tavelled via telephone calls between computers. 
Mark Horton and others at the University of California at 
Berkeley devised a way for a computer that was both an ARPANET 
host and being used for Usenet to send messages from the ARPANET 
host to Usenet. This demonstated the possibility of intercon- 
necting networks with differnet characteristics. By this time 
ARPA was well on its way to funding research to arrive at 
protocols and specifications that would make possible the 
interconnection of many different networks. Out of that research  
and experimentation came the Internet.
V The Internet
     The Internet is the successful interconnecting of many 
different networks to give the illusion of being one big computer 
network. What the networks have in common is that they all use 
packet switching technology. On the other hand, each of the 
connected networks may have its own addressing mechanism, packet 
size, speed etc. Any of the computers on the connected networks 
no matter what its operating system or other characterists  can 
communicate via the Internet if it has software implemented on it 
that conforms to the set of protocols which resulted from the 
ARPA funded research in the late 1970's. That set of protocols is 
built around the Internet Protocol (IP) and the Transmission 
Control Protocol (TCP). Informally, the set of protocols is 
called TCP/IP (pronounced by saying the names of the letters T-C-
     The Internet Protocol is the common agreement to have 
software on every computer on the Internet add a bit of 
additional information to each of its packets. Without such 
software a computer can not be connected to the Internet even if 
Internet traffic passes over the network the computer is attached 
to. A packet that has the additional information required by IP 
is called an IP datagram. To each IP datagram the computer adds 
its own network addressing information. The whole package is 
called a network frame. It is a network frame containing an the 
IP datagram rather than ordinary packets that a computer must 
send onto its local packet switching network in order to 
communicate with a computer on another network via the Internet.
                Fig. 5  A Network Frame

If the communication is between computers on the same network the 
network information is enough to deliver the frame to its 
intended destination computer. If the communication is intended 
for a computer on a differenr network, the network information 
sends the frame to the closest computer that serves to connect the 
local network with a different network. Such a special purpose 
computer is called a router (sometimes a gateway). It is such 
routers that make internetworking possible.
     The Internet is not a single giant network of computers. It 
is hundreds of thousands of networks interconnected by routers. A 
router is a high speed, electronic, digital computer very much 
like all the other computers in use today. What makes a router 
special is that it has all the hardware and connections necessary 
to be able to connect to and communicate on two or more different 
networks. It also has the software to create and interpret 
network frames for each network it is attached to. In addition it 
must have cababilities require by IP. It must have software that 
can remove network information from the network frames that come 
to it and read the IP information in the datagrams. Based on the 
IP information it can add new network information to create a an 
appropriate network frame and send it out on that different 
network. But how does it know where to send that the IP datagram?
     The entire process of Internet communication requires that 
each computer participating in the Internet has a unique digital 
address. The unique addresses of the source and destination are 
part of the IP information added to packets to make IP datagrams. 
The unique number assigned to a computer is its Internet or IP 
address. The IP address is a binary string of 32 digits. 
Therefore the Internet can provide communication among 2 to the 
32nd power or about 4 billion 300 million computers (2 for every 
three people in the world). Internet addresses are written as for 
example like Each such address has two parts, a 
network ID and a host ID. In this example 128.59 (network ID) 
identifies that this computer is part of a Columbia University 
network and 40.129 (the host ID) identifies which particukar 
computer (on the cunix cluster) it is.
     A router's IP software examines the IP information to 
determine the destination network from the network ID of the 
destination address. Then the software consults a routing table  
to pick the next router to send the IP datagram to so that it 
takes the "shortest" path. A path is short only if it is active 
and it is not congested. Ingenious software programs called 
routing deamons send and receive short messages among adjacent 
routers characterizing the condition on each path. These messages 
are analyzed and the routing table is continually up dated. In 
this way IP datagrams pass from router to router over different 
networks until they reach a router connected to their detination 
network. That router puts network information into the network 
frame that delivers the datagram to its destination computer. The 
IP datagram is unchanged by this whole process. Each router has 
put next router information along with the IP datagram into the 
next network frame. When the IP datagram finaly reaches its 
destination it has no information how it got there and differnt 
packets from the original source may have taken different paths 
to get to the same destination.
     IP as described above requires nothing of the interconneted 
networks except that they are packet switching networks with IP 
compliant routers. If the transmitting network uses a very small 
frame size, the IP software can even fragment an IP datagram into 
a few smaller ones to fit the network's frame size. It is this 
minimum requirement by the Internet Protocol that makes it 
possible for a great variety of networks to participate in the 
Internet. But this minimum requirement also results in little or 
no error detection. IP arranges for a best-effort process but has 
no guarantee of reliability. The remainder of the TCP/IP set of 
protocols adds a sufficient level of reliability the make the 
Internet useful.
     There are problems that IP does not solve. For example, 
interspersed network frames from many computers can sometimes 
arrive faster than a router can route them. A small backlog of 
data can be stored on most routers but if too many frames keep 
arriving some must be discarded. This possibility was 
anticipated. On most computers on the Internet except routers 
software behaving according to the Transmission Control Protocol 
(TCP) is installed. When IP datagrams arrive at the destination 
computer, the TCP compliant software scans the IP information put 
into the IP datagram at the source. From this information the 
software can put packets together again if they are all there. If 
there are duplications the software will discard any but the 
first packet to arrive. What if some IP datagrams have been lost?
     As a destination computer receives data, the TCP software 
sends a short message back over the Internet to the original 
source computer specifying what data has arrived. Such a messsage 
is called an acknowledgement. Everytime TCP and IP software send 
out data, TCP software starts a timer (sets a number and 
decreases it periodically using the computer's internal clock) 
and waits for an acknowledgement. If an acknowledgement arrives 
first, the timer is cancelled. If the timer expires before an 
acknowledgement is received back the TCP software retransmits the 
data. In this way missing data can usually be replaced at the 
destination computer in a resaonable time. To achieve efficient 
data transfer the timeout interval can not be preset. It needs 
to be longer for more distant destinations and for times of 
greater network congestion and shorter for closer destinations 
and times of normal network traffic. TCP automatically adjusts 
the timeout interval based on current delays and on the distance 
it calculates based on the network address of destination. This 
ability to dynamically adjust the timeout interval contributes 
greatly to the success of the Internet. 
     Having been designed together and engineered to perform two 
separate but related and needed tasks, TCP and IP complement each 
other. IP makes possible the travel of packets over different 
networks but it and thus the routers are not concerned with 
data loss or data reassembly. The Internet is possible because 
so little is required of the intervening networks. TCP makes the 
Internet reliable by detecting and correcting duplications, out 
of order arrival and data loss using an acknowledgment and time 
out mechanism with dynamically adjusted timeout intervals.
VI Conclusion
The Internet is a wonderful engineering achievement. Since 
January 1, 1983, the cutoff data of the old ARPANET protocols, 
TCP/IP technology has successfully dealt with trmendous increases 
in usage and in the speed of connecting computers. This is a 
testament to the success of the TCP/IP protocol design and 
implementation process. Douglas Comer highlighted the features of 
this process as follows:
     * TCP/IP protocol software and the Internet were designed by 
     talented dedicated people.
     * The Internet was a dream that inspired and challenged the 
     research team.
     * Researchers were allowed to experiment, even when there 
     was no short-term economic payoff. Indeed, Internet research 
     often used new, innovative technologies that were expensive 
     compared to existing technologies.
     * Instead of dreaming about a system that solved all 
     problems, researchers built the Internet to operate 
     * Researchers insisted that each part of the Internet work 
     well in practice before they adopted it as standard.
     * Internet technology solves an important, practical 
     problem; the problem occurs whenever an organization has 
     multiple networks. 
                         (from The Internet Book)
     The high speed, electronic, digital, stored program 
controlled computer and the TCP/IP Internet are major historic 
breakthroughs in engineering technology. Every such breakthrough 
in the past like the printing press, the steam engine, the 
telephone, the airplane have had profound effects on human 
society. The computer and the Internet have already begun to have 
such effects and this promises to be just the beginning. In the 
long run, despite the growing pains and dislocations every great 
technological breakthrough serves to make possible a more 
fulfilling and comfortable life for more people. The computer and 
the Internet have the potential to speed up this process although 
it may take a hard fight for most people to experience any of the 
improvement. We live however in a time of great invention and 
great potential.
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