Thoughts on the 2004 US Election by Paul Chipkin Still about American "democracy" I have not changed my position. I will begin to care about American politics when the Democrats do what they are supposed to do as proper proponents of left wing values--they must oppose war. I really will not give them the wrong message that Americans will vote for them no matter what they do. They must hear the resounding message from usual Democrats that we will not let them get away with murder. I will confess that when I saw Nixon swearing in at the podium I felt a definite sense of victory. We had gotten the evil Lyndon Johnson out of our sight. From the look of him shortly thereafter I felt we had also driven him into a nervous breakdown. "All the better!" I said to myself. The important truth I am espousing is that everybody in the world knows of the Republican penchant for evil. The Democrats have a special responsibility to safeguard the American soul as much as they are able. When they flagrantly disregard that sacred trust, we who usually support them must let them know that we will not tolerate being betrayed.