This message is being sent to a list of those with an interest in the Polish town of Wielkie Oczy. If you would like to be removed from this mail list, please let me know. If you know someone who would like to be on this mail list, have them send an e-mail to me requesting that they be added.
Visit the web sites devoted to Wielkie Oczy at:  (English)           (English)        (Polish)
This is to update you on the Wielkie Oczy cemetery project.
David Majus informs us that on March 13, 100 local school children went to the Jewish cemetery to clean it up in preparation for the erection of the perimeter fence. Attached to this message are some photographs taken in February of this year of the cemetery and two headstones. In appreciation of this, we have decided to collect additional contributions and to purchase a gift or make a donation to the local school.
We are indebted to Rabbi Murray Stadtmauer of the Jewish Center of Bayside Hills, NY (whose father Simchah Asher Stadtmauer grew up in Wielkie Oczy) for his contribution and assistance in this endeavor.
U.S. residents should make checks payable to the Jewish Center of Bayside Hills (see further information below). We believe that such charitable contributions to the Jewish Center of Bayside Hills are a tax-deductible charitable contribution, but you should check with your tax professional to confirm this.
The Jewish Center of Bayside Hills will fund the Wielkie Oczy cemetery project with your donations.

A proportional share is $360.00. If you would like to contribute some other amount, please feel free to do so.

Special Offer

Rabbi Statdmauer has offered to send a copy of his book to anyone on the Wielkie Oczy mailing list who makes a contribution of US$50 or more to the Wielkie Oczy project. The Life of Simchah Asher Stadtmauer in Europe and America (1899-1997) is a hardcover memoir of over 160 pages with references to people and events in the Wielkie Oczy of the late 19th and early 20th century.
  1. Make your check payable to the Bayside Hills Jewish Center.
  2. Mail your check with a SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope) to:
Murray Stadtmauer
Wielkie Oczy Cemetery Project
217-15 39th Avenue
Bayside, NY 11361
For tax purposes, U.S. residents will receive a receipt acknowledging their donation.
If you are a non-U.S. resident, you may send your donation directly to David Majus in Israel or to his brother in the United States. Please contact me directly at for instructions.
Please try to ensure that your contributions are received by March 30, as David will be traveling to Wielkie Oczy in April and we want to be sure that funding is complete by the time he departs for Poland.
Thank you,
Stephen Landau
White Plains, NY
LANDAU, Bochnia, Wisnicz [Nowy], Galicia, 1902 to US (NY)
WASSNER, Wielkie Oczy [Vilkutch], Zmijowiska, Galicia, 1900 to US (NY, MA)
GOLDSTEIN, Wielkie Oczy [Vilkutch], Galicia, 1903 to US (NY, MA)
MEINHARD[T], Gorlice?, Galicia, 1903+ to US (NY, NJ)