[11] [The following is reprinted from the Volume 1 number 1 issue of the Amateur Computerist.] DAWN OF A NEW ERA From the Age of Darkness to the Age of Enlightenment from the Machine Age to the Mind Age, here we are. Let not any force or forces keep it under wraps. Let it be free to circulate in the Public Domain. Let us base it upon principle, not on price, like Truth or Love. From the Great Wall to the Great Pyramid, from the hieroglyphics to the screen of the computer, mankind is still progressing. So make the new born science, that has given us the computer for the amateur and not as a prerogative of the professional to be shrouded in secrecy from humanity, the choice of the individual, not an election of a minority. From the falling star to the falling apple, from the minute to the multitudinous, from secrets to disclosure, I am pleased to endorse the amateur method. Therefore I implore all to plan and to participate even though I have been on disability for 26 years and have not had the opportunity to participate in the great sea of knowledge that has flowed over the Dam of Secrecy since I was inactivated physically and mentally in my advanced years and state of general debility I still see the mind of man the greatest computer of all So Let Us Continue to Make Use of It to the Advantage of the Masses Come, Let Us Reason Together. With an open mind and a free spirit. Let me reiterate, there is so much more to know, that what we do know, is still insignificant. It gives me great pleasure to endorse this free-for-all program of a restless mind. Floyd Hoke-Miller, UAW Retiree and Flint Sit Down Striker (1895-1990) --------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reprinted from the Amateur Computerist Vol 12 No 1, Winter 2003/2004 The whole issue or a subscription is available for free via email. Send a request to jrh@ais.org or see http://www.ais.org/~jrh/acn/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------