ACN Volume 1 No 2 Jun. 1988 TRY THIS (IBM) by Michael Hauben (From DOS, type in BASICA) 1 cls:key off 10 gosub 5000 25 cls: screen 2 30 for L= 1 to 25 40 line (x1 + L, y1 + L) - (x2 - L, y2 - L),,b 45 line (x1 + L, y1 + L) - (x2 - L, y2 - L), 0, b 50 next 60 end 5000 print "Enter your coordinates for the box:" 5015 locate 7, 12: input "Top left corner (x1, y1):", x1, y1 5020 locate 9, 12: input "Bottom right corner (x2,y2):", x2, y2 5030 return ==============================================