Best Neighbors

The Best Neighbors in the World!

Updated 03/22/04

One of my very best neighbors, Phil Nelson, the local hardware store and some good fortune was again working for me! During the night the gas pipe leading to my furnace sprung a leak and filled my house with gas. I woke up Sunday morning feeling very sick, and sleepy and could not figure out why I felt that way. I had this feeling that I must GET OUT OF THE HOUSE NOW!

So I dressed and dragged myself to the front door and headed over to the Nelsons house where I told Phil and his wife Lori, that I felt as if I had been gassed! Phil went over to my place next door and discovered that my whole house had filled with gas! He place an emergency phone call to the gas company and within minutes they were out checking the problem. Lori got me some coffee and I walked around outside and got lots of fresh air. The gas company shut the gas off at the main, located the leak, but told Phil that the pipe on the inside of the house was my responsibility to fix.

Since I am still out of work and my unemployment compensation has been exhausted I wondered how in the world I was going to be able to afford to have this problem taken care of. Well, it seems that besides being able to mow grass, ( More on that lower on this page! ) Phil knows how to install gas pipes. Now all I needed was the money to pay for new gas lines! The local hardware store, Brothers Hardware in Flint MI helped me out there, and for just the little bit of money I did have in my pocket, we walked out of the store with all the pipe, couplings and pipe compound that we needed to do the job. Below is a small video of Phil showing his stuff. The video does not even come close to showing the amount of time and hard work that Phil put in that Sunday! Thank you Phil Nelson and Brothers Hardware for coming to the rescue!

I have to tell you that ever since a serious injury occurred to me and put me out of work, I have had trouble not only making ends meet, but getting around to do things like household chores. I had taken for granted that I would always either be able to do these things myself, or pay to have them done, and started feeling sorry for myself.
Not so anymore! And this is where the real story begins:

Yes that is Phil Nelson mowing my grass again. God bless his grass mowing heart!

You see, I happen to be a very lucky man and didn't even know it! I have the very best neighbors that a guy can have! Phil Nelson, my next door neighbor, mows my grass for me all summer. He shovels the snow for me in the winter, and Phil never asks for anything in return! Donald Morse, who lives on the other side, cooks great meals, and even though the man is visually impaired and does not get around that well, he still manages to get a 3 or 4 course meal cooked AND bring it over to me!

Donald, thank you for that great meatloaf you cooked the other night! Yum, it was good!

Yes, I didn't know just how lucky I am, or how good I had it, until I stopped and looked around me and saw all these wonderful people helping me. I have no way to repay my neighbors for their kindness, and generosity except by giving them this recognition.
So here's to you the Phils and Donalds of the world. My very most heart felt thank you!

Special note of thanks must be expressed to Don Vandivier, Dean Paxton, Linda,and her husband AL who helped me with food and other necessities after my right foot was mauled by several large dogs 4 weeks ago! A heart felt appreciation to my close friends who seem to always be there when I need them!

If you too have the best neighbors in the world, please let me know. I would love to hear your story. ( Gary ) at